
Termite Myths You Should Never Believe

You know that termites pose a serious threat to your home, especially if they are left untreated and allowed to continue eating through the wood. But you may not have a proper understanding of the behavior of termites or how they are treated, and that could lead you to make decisions that put your home at jeopardy.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths about termites that can lead you in the wrong direction. Talking to a pest control technician can help you get to the truth behind these myths and make the right choices for your home. However, here’s a look at some of the most common termite myths to get you started:


Your House is Safe if It’s Brick and Concrete

Termites like to eat wood. So if you have a brick house sitting on a concrete slab, you may think you have nothing to worry about. But that’s the kind of thinking that can lull you into a sense of safety and put your house at risk.

Termites will tunnel right over your concrete slab and through cracks in your brick to get to the wood framing inside. They can also target your floors and even your furniture. Any wood anywhere in your home is at risk. Termites will even tunnel up to your attic or chimney to get inside.

Termites Will Target Nearby Trees Instead of Your House

If your home is surrounded by trees or decaying wood, you may feel like your home is safe. You may think that the trees and wood will be a buffer, giving the termites something to eat so that they won’t go to your home.

The reality is that the trees and wood are actually drawing the termites closer to your house. Once they finish chewing through that wood, they will continue on in search of more, and they are very likely to find it in your house. Swarming termites from those wooded areas can also go in search of locations for a new colony and find it in your house.

Termites are Easy to Detect

You may feel like your home is safe from termites because you haven’t seen any. You may have even taken a look around your crawlspace and found no evidence. You may think that if termites were present, you’d see them crawling around the wood or you’d see evidence of damage to the wood.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Termites can burrow deep into wood that is at the heart of your home. You may not see them until they have already caused extensive damage. You need to hire a pest control technician to inspect your home. The professionals have a solid understanding of termite behavior, and they know how to find even the most hidden termites.

Your House is Safe if It’s Been Treated

You may feel like your home is safe from termites because the previous owners told you that they treated for the pests or because you invested in a treatment yourself a few years ago. However, pest control solutions do not last forever. Over time, your home will become vulnerable to termites and other pests again.

You need to invest in ongoing termite control solutions to ensure that your home is always protected.

DIY Termite Treatments are Fine

Big box stores make a lot of money selling you over-the-counter solutions for your home, but few of them actually work. Termite treatments that you buy yourself are not likely to be professional grade, which means that you will have a false sense of safety for your home and your property will continue to be vulnerable to termites.

You need to call a reputable pest control company for professional strength termite and pest control solutions. These will last longer, and they will eradicate termites that are present.

Termite Treatment Costs Too Much

Many homeowners are reluctant to get the critical termite treatment they need because they fear that it just costs too much. However, affordable termite control options are available. You just need to research providers in your area and get multiple quotes to find the best pricing without sacrificing quality of service and protection.

In Phoenix, Varsity Termite and Pest Control offers affordable termite control solutions for your home or business. Our experienced pest control technicians know how to find termites wherever they are on your property, and they will use the right solutions to get rid of any existing termites and to keep out future termites. Our technicians offer complete pest services for your home, offering solutions for roof rats, roaches, scorpions, ants, and other pests common to the Phoenix area. Contact us today to schedule an inspection.

Published By:

Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com

Gary Dobert

Gary is the co-owner of Varsity Termite and Pest Control, a family owned and operated company in Arizona with over 21 years of experience. They specialize in termite and scorpion control services.

Published by
Gary Dobert

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