(Infographic) Termites: The Perfect Weather Conditions for Termite Infestation
Posted on: July 6, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

Temite Damage in AZ Is Termite Activity Seasonal? The environment in Phoenix, Arizona, is ideal for subterranean termites. These termites require with plenty of wood to consume. While most people think Arizona is a dry, hot desert, subterranean termites nest bar underground, allowing them to become a major problem for homeowners in a hurry. It is important to receive a termite inspection in Phoenix if you are planning on buying a new home, or you are concerned about termites. Read More: What You Need to Know A …

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12 News: Wet spring brings out Valley termites
Posted on: June 22, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

Termites Varsity Termite and Pest Control Media Coverage- Termite Infestation Click here to read the full news story. Want more information about the current weather conditions bring termite infestations to the valley? View the helpful termite infographic on how to spot indications of termite activity. Local Arizona Termite Company Finds Termite Infestations After Valley Rain Press Release- PHOENIX, Ari., June, 2015- A local Mesa termite removal company is seeing a spike in termite activity throug …

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What You Need to Know About Treating Termites
Posted on: January 15, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

Treating Termites Mesa AZ- Varsity Termite and Pest Control Termite Treatment Mesa Arizona Dealing with termites can be a frustrating problem for homeowners. The termites are normally called “silent destroyers” because they can take down an entire home if you do not know they are hiding there. Hiring a Mesa termite company is the best way to avoid dealing with serious problems that can destroy your home. Read More: 4 Ways to Detect Termite Activity What Termites Eat Termites are detritus feeders, meaning they feed on dead plants and trees. The …

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The Only Predator of the Termite That Counts
Posted on: September 26, 2012 | by Gary Dobert

AZ Termite One of the chief ways of controlling animal or insect populations has been through the natural process of predators. An imbalance occurs when too many of one insect or animal is present in a certain location. Man has tried artificially to affect change to control the population of animals by introducing predators or selectively killing some species. This is the primary reason for having hunting seasons for animals such as deer. Some of man's efforts to create balance have backfired in case …

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Termites are small bugs with a big appetite
Posted on: March 22, 2012 | by Gary Dobert

Small Bugs Termites are a small bug that likes to eat wood. This does not sound so bad now does it? Termites are not a bad bug, if they are not eating your home. If termites are eating your home then they are a big problem. You do not want termites eating your home that is for sure. Termites cause billions of dollars worth of damages each year just in the United States alone. One of the biggest problems with termites is that they can eat away at your home for years and you not even know it. To a termi …

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A Bit About Termites Part Three
Posted on: March 22, 2012 | by Gary Dobert

A Bit About Termites These termite colonies involve a decentralised and self organised system guided by ’swarm intelligence’ that allows them to exploit food sources and environments that would not be available to just one insect on its own. Termites understand the value of having strength in numbers. Their colonies will include nymphs (which are semi-mature young termites), soldiers, workers and those designated for reproduction of termites (male and female) and sometimes egg laying queens. Termites are someti …

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A Bit About Termites Part Two
Posted on: March 22, 2012 | by Gary Dobert

Termite Control Varsity Pest AZ As well as dead plants themselves, termites will also feed on wood, litter from leaves, soil or manure from animals. Dead plant material obviously also includes vegetables and compost. Amazingly there are over 4,000 species of termites, and about 10% of these (400) are significant risks as infestations. This is why termite control is so regularly necessary. Once you get a termite infestation it is highly important to get termite control as they can have many bad effects on your property. For …

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