
Phoenix’s Leading Pest Control Company Shares Effective Solutions To Eradicate Fire Ants & Prevent Infestations

Have you discovered that your home has been overtaken by fire ants? Don’t worry! Fire ants are a common problem in the western United States, but the good news is that North Phoenix pest control has plenty of effective solutions to eradicate the fire ants and prevent future infestations.

Getting rid of fire ants with do it yourself methods can be a challenging undertaking. It’s best to work with a trained professional who can offer extensive experience finding the ant colonies and effective treatment for removing them.

How Do I Know If I Have a Fire Ant Infestation?

How To Effective Tips To Prevent Fire Ants In Phoenix, AZ.

You probably know that fire ants received their name because of the stinging, painful bites they inflict. Fortunately, Chandler pest control services can help you avoid being bitten by helping you discover whether you have fire ants lurking in your home or yard.

The most obvious sign of a fire ant infestation is that you can see large numbers of ants in or around your home. People are often surprised to learn that not all fire ants are red, and not all red ants are fire ants. Fire ants can also be black, especially the male reproductives. And some other types of ants are red without possessing the biting trait of fire ants.

Fire ants are usually found outside and avoid busy areas in your home, because they like to stay away from people. However, as worker ants search for food for the colony, they may come indoors through very tiny openings. You may even find them in your kitchen or pantry.
In your yard, signs of fire ants include:

  • Mounds that do not contain a center hole, as fire ants make mazes of underground tunnels. Their mounds range from very small to as large as 18 inches.
  • Mounds near moist areas or open, sunny spots.
  • Mounds that appear immediately after a rain.
  • You find ants that are aggressive, rather than skittish, when their mounds are disturbed. This is one of the best ways to distinguish between fire ants and regular ants.

Tips To Prevent Fire Ants From Nesting In Your Yard

Fire ants are aggressive and likely to sting when disturbed. Since these stings range from uncomfortable to provoking an allergic reaction, fire ants are not a pest that you want to have around your home or yard. Contact a Mesa fire ants exterminator if you have fire ants to get a comprehensive plan for eradicating them. Here are some tips to prevent them from nesting in your yard in the first place:

Keep Your Home & Yard Clean

Fire ants feed off scraps, so having garbage and food waste around your home is a sure way to attract them. Be sure to keep your kitchen counter and floors clean, make sure food is properly stored and put away, and clean up meals right after eating so you can avoid attracting fire ants into your home.

Seal Holes In Your Exterior Walls

Since fire ants are so small, they can get into your home through even very tiny holes in your exterior walls. Repair broken or damaged siding and seal up vents, holes in bricks or foundations, and around windows. Fire ants can even enter your home through holes for utility cables. Be sure you have door sweeps and seals around all of your exterior doors and garage doors so that there are no spaces for fire ants to enter your home.

Store Food Properly

Fire ants are similar to other ants in that they search for food to bring back to the rest of their colony. Make sure that all of the food in your home or garage is completely sealed, including bags of dog or cat food and birdseed. If a Phoenix pest control company is helping you with a fire ant infestation, even fresh fruits and other foods that would normally be kept on your countertop should be sealed and put away.

Maintain Safe Moisture Levels

Fire ants don’t need much soil for their tunnels, but they do need moisture. Sometimes they build colonies in unexpected places such as rooftops or voids in walls. If fire ants are a risk to your home, be sure to repair all leaks around your home, have your plumbing inspected, address garden hose leaks, and make sure that landscaping around your foundation is draining water away from your home.

Watch Out For Fire Ants Hitching a Ride

Fire ants commonly enter homes when plants, mulch, outdoor toys and tools, lawn equipment, and similar items are brought into your home or garage.

Get Fire Ant Eradication From The Pest Control Experts In Phoenix, AZ

Protect your family and eliminate the risk of painful fire ant bites by calling Varsity Termite and Pest Control. Our experienced technicians can inspect your property, safely eradicate with fire ants, and help you prevent further infestations. We use only gentle and effective methods so you can feel confident that your family and pets are safe. To get started, call Varsity Termite and Pest Control today!

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Published By:
Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

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