Pest Control

Preparing for Springtime Pest Infestations

You may have enjoyed a relatively peaceful winter free of pests, and that may have lured you into a sense of complacency. Those days of constantly swatting away mosquitoes or watching a line of never-ending ants march across your countertops have faded from memory – but those days are going to be upon us again soon.

Many common pests have been bedding down over the winter, such as ants, mosquitoes, and termites. When the temperatures get warmer, they will be emerging and invading your home again in search of food and shelter. Some pests, like cockroaches and bed bugs, have remained active throughout the winter, but they will become even more so in the spring. Developing a pest control plan that includes all these pesky creatures will help you have a more peaceful spring.

Besides calling a skilled exterminator, here are a few more things you can do to prepare your home to minimize the risk of springtime pest infestations:

Phoenix Metro Area

Remove Moist Wood and Debris

Even if it doesn’t snow, the winter months are cold and damp. There isn’t as much sunshine, so the rain doesn’t dry out, and the overall atmosphere is damp and dank. When the temperatures do start to warm up in the spring, you are likely to have a lot of damp wood and yard debris such as leaves and twigs. This moist organic matter is highly attractive to all kinds of pests, including ants, mosquitoes, and ticks.

Clean up your yard now so you can clear it of anything that’s attractive to pests. Look for moist logs and sticks, and clean up any remaining leaf litter. Pay special attention to anything that’s close to your house, but know that even litter at the edges of your yard can bring pests onto your property and ultimately into your house.

Clear Garbage Away from House

Garbage can also attract pests, ranging from ants to rats. Garbage cans should be kept away from your home at all times. If they are still near your home, take this opportunity to do some rearranging and put them in a better spot. Move compost piles and recycling bins, as well. Walk around your yard and clear up any other piles of trash or old junk that could be rotting, composting, or otherwise attracting pests.

Prune Bushes

Bushes and tree limbs that are close to your home can provide a bridge for pests. Ants or termites that might be chowing down on the wood, for instance, can move directly to your home. The transition will be seamless, and they will just keep eating their way through your home so long as they find suitable material.

Cut off these pathways for active pests in the spring by trimming bushes and limbs that are near your home.

Thin Ground Cover

Ground cover is useful for keeping out weeds, but it can also hide many pests, including rats. The thicker the ground cover, the more attractive it is to pests. You can make your home and your property less attractive to these creepy crawlies by thinning out your ground cover. Either prune the ground cover that is already there, or replace it with a plan that does not grow as thickly.

Get Rid of Standing Water

Pools of water in your yard will attract a lot of pests, most notably mosquitoes. Many pests travel in search of water, and if they find it on your property, they are likely to stay and make themselves comfortable. Some lay their eggs in the water, quickly reproducing and creating a bigger nuisance for you.

Work with a landscaper to clear up standing water in your yard by installing drains or taking other measures to improve drainage.

Repair Window Screens

Screens can help keep out flies on those days that you want to keep the windows open and let the breeze in (on those rare days that there is a breeze). The right screens can also guard against other pests from wriggling their ways into your home through the window frame. Repair and replace any window screens around your home as needed to add another layer of protection against infestation.

Seal Entry Points

Scorpions can slip into a crack as little as a sixteenth of an inch. Think of all the places around your home that such cracks and crevices exist. Then think about the many more pests that could get into your home through even smaller cracks.

The best thing you can do is hire a professional to seal your home. The experts can identify all the entry points that pests would use and can seal them appropriately. Inside and outside sealing will provide a strong defense for your home.

While you are thinking about spring cleaning, you should also be thinking about spring pest defense. The bugs aren’t out in full force yet, so you still have time to take action that will minimize the chances that they will invade your home. Take these steps and work with an exterminator to develop a treatment plan to keep your home safe from the pests this spring.

Varsity Termite and Pest Control can develop a wide-ranging pest control plan to keep your home free of these nuisances. We can identify and eradicate any pests that may currently be in your home, and we can develop an ongoing treatment plan that will minimize the risk of future infestation. Call us today to schedule a consultation to get a tailored pest control plan for your home.

Published By:

Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com

Gary Dobert

Gary is the co-owner of Varsity Termite and Pest Control, a family owned and operated company in Arizona with over 21 years of experience. They specialize in termite and scorpion control services.

Published by
Gary Dobert

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