
Termites can be a persistent problem long after you think you have eradicated them if you don’t get the right professional help. That’s why anyone who’s considering buying your home would be very concerned to learn that your home once had termites. Under law, you have to disclose this information, so you can’t just deal with the problem and hope no one ever finds out about it.

How to Sell Your Home after a Termite Disaster

You need to hire the right pest control experts near Desert Ridge to eradicate the problem first. and then you need to find out about your obligations during the selling process. Here’s how to sell your home after a termite disaster:

Document the Original Incident

The first thing you will need to show a potential buyer is documentation of what happened. That will include a copy of an inspection report or the findings from the inspector, showing that you had termites. Then you will need to show documentation of the treatment that your home received.

The point of this step is to show what kind of a problem your home had and what you did about it. Potential buyers will want to know exactly what you were dealing with and how you handled it.

Show that You Made Repairs

It’s unlikely that you had a termite problem and that your house was unscathed. Desert Ridge Termites can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Sometimes, the damage is easy to repair, such as replacing a door frame or some drywall. But many times, the damage is extensive, and requires structural repairs such as replacing beams.

Potential buyers will want to know that you made the necessary repairs after your termite problem so that the house isn’t still vulnerable. Structural problems left unaddressed can make the house weak and unsafe. Be prepared to show potential buyers proof that you have made the needed repairs and that the house is safe.

Provide a History of Monitoring

How do you know that the treatment you got after your termite problem was effective in getting rid of the pests? You will need a follow-up Desert Ridge inspection to make sure the termites are gone and ongoing monitoring to make sure that they don’t return. Be prepared to show potential buyers that you have taken the threat seriously and have invested in ongoing monitoring of your property.

You should have a log of monitoring visits or inspections that you have received for your property, and you should give buyers the contact information for your pest control company. Any additional evidence you can provide would be helpful, as well, such as receipts for your payments.

Get a New Inspection

Give your potential buyers peace of mind by scheduling a new termite inspection right before you put your house on the market. You want to show them that the house has been thoroughly inspected by a professional and that no evidence of termites was found. This inspection should seal the deal in convincing buyers that your home has no more problem with termites.

While you’re at it, you should also ask the pest control company to do an inspection for other types of pests, such as spiders, ants, scorpions, or roaches. You can give buyers a clean bill of health for your home.

Getting a termite infestation doesn’t have to be the kiss of death for your property. Not only can you completely get rid of the termites with the help of the right Mesa pest control company, but you can also sell your home without a problem by taking these steps to clear the air with potential buyers. Work with your real estate agent to take extra steps that will make your home more enticing to buyers so that you can get the full value that you deserve.

Varsity Termite and Pest Control can help you get rid of termites in your home, whether you are thinking of selling soon or you just want to be sure that you are protecting your investment. Our experienced exterminators can thoroughly inspect your property to find the presence of any termites. They can then develop a plan for getting rid of the termites and protecting your property against future infestation. Call us in Arizona today to schedule your inspection or to set up monitoring visits and preventive treatments.

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Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com

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