
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear: 6 Termite Myths Busted

Termites can be some of the most destructive pests to your property. As such, it’s important that you take offensive action to protect your property, including calling a pest control company in Mesa to put preventive termite control measures in place. You should also get a regular Cave Creek termite inspection to ensure that your property is free of termites and is not in need of additional treatments.

Don´t Believe Everything You Hear 6 Termite Myths Busted

It’s also important that you educate yourself on the problems that termites can cause and how to treat them. Knowledge is power, and you need every tool you can get in the fight against termites. Here’s the truth you need to know about some common myths about termites and their treatment:

Myth #1: My Home is Made of Brick, so It’s Safe

Termites eat wood and other cellulose, which is why they are attracted to homes and other properties. People who live in brick homes on concrete slabs often think that their homes are safe from termites because there isn’t a smorgasbord of wood to attract the pests.

The truth is that termites can find the wood framing, flooring, and even furniture inside the house in search of their next meal. They will find their way through cracks in the concrete and brick, and they will burrow through all the wood they can find. You need a protective East Valley termite treatment around any home that has any wood in its construction or inside it.

Myth #2: There is Plenty of Wood around My House, so Termites Won’t Come Inside

Termites work much faster than most people understand. They are 24/7 eating machines, and they will continue eating until there is nothing left to eat. Yes, they will feast on the trees and decaying debris in your yard, but they will also continue moving right toward your house.

Having decaying wood and organic materials on your property actually puts your home at greater risk because it draws termites closer to the structure. You should remove any decaying or untreated wood from your property, and you should get a preventive Desert Ridge termite treatment.

Myth #3: My Home Was Previously Treated for Termites, so It’s Safe

An effective termite control treatment in Cave Creek will provide protection for a long time. However, it doesn’t last forever. Just because your home was treated previously doesn’t mean that it is still protected against termites.

Work with a Mesa pest control company to determine the right timeline for reapplication of termite treatment. Different treatments have different timelines for effectiveness, so there is no one-size-fits-all schedule.

Myth #4: Termites are Easy to Detect

Termites may be small, but they are visible to the naked eye. Plus, they work in huge colonies, so it’s not hard to spot them when you find the right location. However, that doesn’t mean that termites are easy to detect in your home or that you should feel safe if you don’t see any termites in the home yourself.

Termites don’t like to be around the light, and they need a steady source of moisture, so they are likely to nest and work deep within your house. Even Arizona pest control technicians have to use special tools and techniques to find the termites. You could have a huge infestation without ever knowing it.

Myth #5: You Can Treat Termites Yourself

Many over-the-counter options are offered for treating termites and other pests. They promise big results, which makes many people think that they can use these options instead of hiring a professional.

However, these pest control options are simply not as effective as the options available to the professionals. The concentrations are generally weaker, and homeowners don’t have the same tools for effective application. As an amateur, you also don’t have the training or experience to find and treat the pests – which requires much more than reading a label or using the proper solution.

Myth #6: Termite Treatment Costs Too Much

Finally, one reason that many people avoid getting termite treatment is that they think it costs too much. That is true for termite and pest control generally, but it seems to be especially true for termite control.

When you think about cost, you need to think about more than the black-and-white numbers. You need to think about the value you get and what’s involved. The actual price may be more than you expected, but you are paying for the experience and skill of the technician, as well as the peace of mind of knowing that your house is protected. You are also saving yourself a lot in potential damage to your home. Always shop for the best East Valley pest control company for your termite control – not just the cheapest.

Varsity Termite and Pest control offers affordable termite control in Mesa and the surrounding area. Our highly trained and experienced technicians will find the termites wherever they may be in your home or on your property, and they will employ effective solutions to eradicate them and to keep them from coming back. Don’t let myths about termites keep you from getting the termite treatment you need. Call us today to schedule an inspection or to explore your termite control options.

Published By:

Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com

Gary Dobert

Gary is the co-owner of Varsity Termite and Pest Control, a family owned and operated company in Arizona with over 21 years of experience. They specialize in termite and scorpion control services.

Published by
Gary Dobert

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