Pest Control

Bed Bug Control: Scents That Drive Bed Bugs Away

Uncover The Power Of Natural Scents: Proven Methods To Repel Bed Bugs & Restore Peaceful Sleep

Dealing with bed bugs can be a real nightmare, especially because you cannot see them that easily, and that’s an advantage for them to invade your home, hide in your mattresses, and leave itchy bites, making restful sleep almost impossible. While contacting a pest control company is often the best solution, there are natural methods to keep these unwanted visitors at bay.

One of these natural methods is scent. Some scents can drive bed bugs away and help you get rid of them more easily. Let’s learn more in the following article.

Close-up of a bed bug on a wooden surface

How To Use Rubbing Alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) For Bed Bug Control

For those considering rubbing alcohol bed bug treatments, you’re doing great because bed bugs hate the smell of alcohol; therefore, using it is an effective cure.

Rubbing alcohol helps to dry up bed bugs’ bodies, leading to their eventual death. This aroma will also deter pests from laying eggs in your vicinity. The smell of rubbing alcohol can dissuade bed bugs, driving them out of your home in search of another area to give birth.

Just remember to use alcohol with caution because it can generate fire hazards.

Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil In Bed Bug Prevention

If you don’t want to use alcohol to treat your bed insect infestation, tea tree oil is another excellent option. The odor of this essential oil causes the pest to flee the area quickly. The essential oil also affects their exoskeleton.

Best of all: With tea tree oil, you’ll have a pleasant-smelling living place free of bed bugs.

Don’t forget to call a pest control company if you think these scents aren’t enough to eradicate bed bugs.

Using Blood Orange Oil To Eliminate Bed Bugs

This essential oil is the solution to your long-term bed bug problem. Blood orange oil has been used for many years, and it’s nowadays one of the most effective methods for successfully eliminating bed bugs.

Spray the oil on the surface or place it in a diffuser to disperse the aroma throughout your home. This way, you’ll be repelling pests and also preventing them from coming back. This procedure takes time to become effective, but the results are always worth it.

Lavender Oil: A Natural Bed Bug Repellent

Lavender is a common plant that you probably have at home, especially because it has a nice aroma and works quite well as an insect repellant.

This plant’s oil is usually used as an essential oil, and while many enjoy this smell, bed bugs dislike it.
Spray the oil over the area affected by bed bugs, and the odor will undoubtedly drive those pests away. You’ll keep these pests at bay while also getting better sleep!

Diatomaceous Earth: Effective Bed Bug Elimination

When it comes to eliminating pests, diatomaceous earth (DE) works wonders. It’s genuinely recommended by many pest professionals thanks to its repellent properties.

Diatomaceous earth is a powder derived from fossilized algae. When bed bugs and other pests come into contact with the DE, they dehydrate and die. By dissolving the pest’s waxy exoskeletons, the entire body collapses, and the pest dies.

The bed bugs loathe the powder’s pungent fragrance the most. In short, using DE at home will gradually resolve your bed bug problem.

Peppermint: Natural Defense Against Bed Bugs

Peppermint is the best-researched method for repelling bed bugs from your home. This plant emits an odor that bed bugs and other pests dislike. It will repel bugs while also keeping your home clean.

The plant’s leaves can be used for this purpose, although it’s easier to spray peppermint oil throughout your home. If you do this regularly, you’ll be able to eliminate bed bugs and keep them from returning.

Oil For Bed Bug Control: What You Need To Know

Neem oil is another natural pesticide that you can use to repel bed bugs. Many pest professional exterminators firmly believe that neem oil is a natural insect repellant with a strong odor that drives bugs away and keeps mosquitoes at bay.

Lemon Juice: A Citrus Solution To Bed Bug Problems

All citrus aromas repel bed bugs, but the smell of lemon is practically fatal. Some bed bugs are attracted to the fragrance of lemon juice, and keeping it on hand will help you get rid of the problem for good since it kills them once they get in touch with it.

Fresh lemon juice is effective at killing bed bugs due to its abrasive characteristics.

When To Call Professional Pest Experts For Bed Bug Issues

While these scents can be great for repelling bed bugs, sometimes they aren’t enough, especially if you have a bed bug infestation that’s been bothering you for many days. In that case, you can count on our professional pest services at Varsity Termite & Pest Control to get rid of these creatures once and for all. Contact us now to schedule a consultation!


Published By:
Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Email: service@varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com/

Gary Dobert

Gary is the co-owner of Varsity Termite and Pest Control, a family owned and operated company in Arizona with over 21 years of experience. They specialize in termite and scorpion control services.

Published by
Gary Dobert

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