
Signs You May Need Arizona Termite Control

If you have reason to believe there might be termites in your home, you should contact Arizona termite control right away. You can receive a free termite inspection, the first step in ridding your home of these damaging pests. Although you may be tempted to save money and try to deal with the infestation yourself, a professional termite exterminator is your best bet for ensuring complete removal of the termite colony.

Unfortunately, knowing you have a termite infestation in the first place is easier said than done. It is because of this we recommend receiving an Arizona termite inspection at least once a year in order to keep your home or business safe. Of course, there are some definite signs you might need the assistance of termite control, such as:

  • Mud tubes. Termites build these tubes in order to efficiently travel from one food source in your home to another. A termite exterminator will break open this tube in order to see if you have an active termite infestation. Even if there are no termites present, this could mean they’ve moved on to other areas of the home.
  • Buzzing sounds. A large colony of termites feeding upon your house can be a tad noisy. If you suspect an infestation, you may be able to hear a buzzing noise where you think the termites are feeding. If you hear any suspicious sounds, contact an Arizona termite control company right away. Even if it’s not termites, it could be another pest which needs to be dealt with professionally.
  • Insect droppings. Termite droppings resemble wood shavings, so sometimes they are difficult to spot. Termites may also shed their wings, providing another clue that you have an infestation in your home. An Arizona termite inspection will look for these, among other, more subtle, signs when going through your house.
  • Wood damage. Of course, this seems like the most obvious sign of an infestation, but the truth is it’s often not visible. Termites eat the wood from the inside out, so noticeable structural damage is rarely seen. A professional termite exterminator will have the necessary tools to check inside walls for termite damage which otherwise can’t be seen.

If you encounter any of these signs of termite infestation, you should contact an Arizona termite control company right away. The longer you wait to deal with termites, the more damage they can wreak on your home. Sometimes, the damage becomes beyond repair. Regular Arizona termite inspections are vital in order to avoid expensive structural damage to your house.

At Varsity Termite and Pest Control, we use one of the best termite colony elimination systems on the market, Sentricon. This allows us to fully eradicate the entirety of the termite colony destrying your home and property.

Contact Varsity Termite and Pest Control at 602-757-8252 for a free Arizona termite inspection today. We’re a family-run business dedicated to keeping your home free from irritating and dangerous pests.

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