
Termites can cause extensive damage to your property if given enough time. Yet you might not even know that you have termites present. They burrow deep into the walls and structure of your home where you don’t see them, and you won’t have any signs that they are there until you notice damage. By the time you notice damage, there has already been extensive damage caused to the structure of your home.

It’s important that you get a professional to perform a termite inspection in Mesa of your property to find signs that you might have a termite problem before it becomes a full-blown infestation. With regular inspections, you can minimize the damage, which will save you money and protect your family. Regular termite control services will also protect your home against potential infestation.

Here are a few things you can expect your pest control technician to check during a termite inspection:


Wood around the Property

Termites don’t typically make a B-line straight to your house in search of wood. They don’t have any conception of your home being the promised land of wood o’plenty. They just travel in search of wood until they find it, and they’ll stay put and munch down happily until they are out of wood and the other conditions they need to thrive.

The pest control technician will look at any wood around your property to see if termites are present. That will include a wood fence, piles of firewood, and dead shrubbery or branches. If there are termites on the property, there is a risk that they will eventually make their way to your house – if they haven’t already. The technician would start by treating those areas and then create a barrier around the home.

Internal Wood Damage

Of course, your technician is also going to check for signs of termites inside your home. However, the termites are most likely to be in the internal structure of your home, so the technician isn’t going to just go around looking at the walls and floorboards. Instead, the technician is going to check for signs of a hidden presence, such as a hollow sound coming from the walls, sagging floorboards, or even peeling paint or stucco.

If the technician finds any of these signs, more inspection will take place to discover the location of the termites and the extent of their reach.


Termites can’t live without moisture. They will dry up and die if they don’t have a steady source of moisture. One reason they may be attracted to your home is that you have a plumbing leak or poor ventilation that is providing a steady supply of moisture or a humid environment.

Your pest control technician will look for signs of moisture present in your home to determine where termites might be present. Your technician will give you feedback about changes you can make to eliminate the moisture and minimize your risk of future termite infestations.

Access Points

To find out where termites might be hiding in your home, the technician needs to find out where they might be entering and then follow that trail. The technician will look for wood that may be touching your home, such as untreated mulch, dead shrubs, leaf debris, firewood, or scrap lumber. The technician will also look at decks, steps, and fences that might be touching the house.

Mud Tubes

Termites often use mud tubes to travel. The tubes protect them from the sun and help them to retain moisture. If you have termites, there is a good chance that termites have traveled to your home using mud tubes. The technician will search the property for signs of mud tubes, both leading to your house and on your house.

Know that termites can also build mud tubes around your attic or chimney. They don’t always go in on the ground floor.

A professional pest control technician will perform a thorough review to ensure that no termites will go undiscovered. Allowing even a small number of termites to remain can lead to big problems. The termites will reproduce quickly and will steadily eat through your property, causing extensive damage. Make sure you get a regular termite and pest inspection, and make sure you hire only a highly qualified and reputable technician to do the inspection for you.

Varsity Termite and Pest Control is a top-rated Mesa pest control company. We perform termite and other pest inspections, and we can find the pests that may be threatening your home even when they are deeply hidden. We’ll have solutions to eradicate those pests and protect your home from future infestations. We can make your home the safe and clean sanctuary that it should be. Call us in Mesa to learn more about our affordable termite control options or to schedule an inspection.


Published By:

Varsity Termite and Pest Control – Gary Dobert
6056 E Baseline Rd #122
Mesa, AZ85206

Office: 602-757-8252
Website: https://varsity.myfavoritewebdesigns.com

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